Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Comics Reviews 3/29/06

Well Today, of Course being Wednesday, means New Comics come out today so I am going to put my thoughts on them.

Well first the Comics Reviews:

The Comics I got today were Green Lantern #10, Blue Beetle # 1, Fantastic Four # 536 and The New Avengers Illuminati Special.

Well I'll start in order of How I read them:

Green Lantern #10 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis, well I have to say I liked the issue like I have of All this new GL series, but anyways the Art was really good, Ivan Reis is a good artist, but anyways back to the story, like all the other OYL stories, this one leaves more mysteries then answering question, like What has Hal done to be Attacked by the Rocket Red Corp, and have a Price on his Head to be attacked by the Igneous Man? Well anyways the story was good, I also am really interested in the Sinestro Corp., and what will happen next issue with Tomar Tu, and all. Also, Can't wait to see what Happens to Hal in 52 seeing he was a P.O.W. for 3 months and all.
Rating: 8.5 of 10, It was good, and the art was good, but had some Confusing Moments to me.

Blue Beetle #1 by Keith Giffen, John Rogers and Cully Hamner, Well Here it is the New Blue Beetle in action, well I wasn't disappointed this comic was cool, nice showing his origin about getting the Scarab and switching between his Fight with Guy Gardner and showing his powers and that he doesn't really remember being Blue Beetle for the time. I liked after the Fight that Guy said his powers aren't just normal Magic they are Higher form of it and I liked at the end when Jaime said " I am the Blue Beetle." and like some of the other OYL stories, even though this was half OYL, half during IC, but it does raise questions like why do the superheroes, Hate him and why doesn't he remember he was Blue Beetle? My only gripe is the Art, no offense to Cully Hamner, your VS cards are cool, but Looking at Jaime in this compared to IC, he looks like a 12/13 year old while in IC he looks like a 17/18 year old and Guy looked a little off, but besides that it was good.

Rating: 8/10 Really liked it besides the Art, thing I mentioned but it was still a great story.

Ok onto Marvel

The New Avengers Illuminati Special by Brian Micheal Bendis and Alex Maleev, well this books is a lead into Marvel's Next Crossover, Civil War, which hopefully will be better then House of M, this story basically tells how the Illuminati, (Prof. X, Iron Man, Mr Fantastic, Black Bolt, Namor, and Dr. Strange) come together about how if they new the information that other people new they could prevent danger, like the Kree/Skrull War. Anyways, it also leads into them talking about sending the Hulk into outer space so he doesn't cause anymore damage, then goes into the Superhero Registration Act which Iron Man and Mr. Fantastic were for and Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, and Namor were against, it was good story shouldn't miss it.

Rating: 9/10 hell this book was amazing, it is actually making Civil War interesting, so that is all I have to say, that and makes me remember why I must've liked Namor when I was younger.

Fantastic Four # 536 by JMS and Mike Mckone, ah my Favorite Marvel Title, another good issue for the short time I've been reading this, well it starts off with Reed telling Sue about what happened in the Illuminati Special, then goes on to, this Army base in Oklahoma being attacked by Doombots, So After the F4 go there to stop them, there are battle scenes with of course Johnny's Saying "FLAME ON" and Thing's Classic " IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME" and some funny line in between like Thing saying to Human Torch when he runs out of power "FLAME OFF!" well the book ends with Dr. Doom Coming back and telling Reed that the Object they are after is Thor's Hammer in which Doom thinks he's worthy enough to lift it.

Rating: 9/10 Ok I have to admit, Marvel did do better this week then DC well minus the fact I didn't get Action Comic # 837, but in the Issue Thing kicked butt and Dr. Doom one of my favorite Marvel Villains, Came back so this issue was great.

A Brave New World

Hello, well I've decided to make my own Blog, because Well, I am bored so to start off my blog with my thoughts on some Preview Pages from DC Comics' A Brave New World Comic comic out in June, so here it goes:

This Panel is from the Part of Trials of Shazam, A new 12-Part Mini-Series By Judd Winnick and Howard Porter, well the art looks absolutely amazing, Howard Porter, looks much better than he did in the Rogue War in Flash, and he did a great job in that. The Writer Judd Winnick has his good moments and bad moments but when it Comes to Writing the Marvel Family he uses hits the nail on the Head, So I think it will be a good story. Well it seems that Captain Marvel will be gaining a Power Increase in this to use Lightning Magic Offensively (hopefully) which would make him a lot different than Superman. My Verdict: Can't wait for it,Captain Marvel is one of my favorite characters, going on my Pull List.

This Next Panel, is From the Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters part of a Brave New World, Written By Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti, and Drawn by Daniel Acuna. the Writers are From Hawkman and Jonah Hex, and I liked there run in Hawkman, especially returning Charley Parker (Golden Eagle), and the Artist Daniel Acuna, I believe is from Outsiders and his art was amazing in that, but it looks like he also stepped up his work too, the art looks almost Computer Animated which is cool. Well from this Panel you see 4 members of the New Freedom Fighters (excluding Uncle Sam) it looks like there is a New Human Bomb, ( The Black Suited guy with explosive powers), a new Doll Man, (The Small guy on Human Bomb's Shoulder ) and a New Phantom Lady ( I hope I don't need to explain who that is) and with them Is The Ray, not sure if it is a New Ray or the Current Ray, but whoever it is, it looks like this story will be very cool.
My Verdict: This will rock, I am so getting it, The New Human Bomb and Doll Man look awesome.

This Panel is from The All New Atom Part of A Brave New World Written By Gail Simone (Birds Of Prey, Villains United) and Drawn by John Byrne (Guy From Blood of the Demon) . Well Gail is one of my Favorite Writers, Since Villains United and I also got Into Birds of Prey, so I doubt this story will be bad. John Byrne have no idea who this guy is, but heard things about him. Well this is about the New Atom the Fourth one to be Exact after, Al Pratt, Ray Palmer, and the Shortlived Adam Cray, but it looks interesting, so I have to wait for a Brave New World before I decide to get the series, but the New Atom's Costume looks cool and he seems like a cool character, so I think I'll give him a Chance. My Verdict: Have to wait and See, I missed out on the other Atom's so I think I'll give this one a chance.

Ah The Creeper, the Next Part of A Brave New World, soon leading into his own Mini-Series, Written by Steve Niles (Batman: Gotham County Line) and Drawn by Justiniano &Walden Wong ( Day of Vengeance). Well the Writer I can't say much about but from this page, I think it will be a great story. The Artists, I really like From Day of Vengeance and Really make the Creeper, Well Creepy, in the cool way. Well this one seems like it will really be awesome by how the Creeper is acting in the Panel. My Verdict: Another Mini, I can't wait for, I remember the Creeper from the Batman: TAS and he seems a lot cooler now, then he was.

The other 2 Preview Pages were from Martian Manhunter and OMAC , The MM one, I have to see because the creative team is the one from Batman Gotham Knights, who ruined one of my favorite villains, Prometheus and the comic was horrible, or so I heard, so I'll have to see. and OMAC really intriques me and Bruce Jones' Nightwing story is really good so I'll give a Shot.